Our Classes
Our yoga studio offers different styles of classes, both in our studio and online via a live stream. Have a look at our different options below.
Most of our classes are offered in English, but we have two class offerings in German. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to find the German classes.
Hatha Vinyasa Yoga
Studio and Online
In this class traditional yoga postures are linked together with flowing movements that are connected with the rhythm of the breath like a dance. One position flows smoothly and with awareness into the next. The concept of “flow” also pertains to the breath, as the flow is guided by the rhythm of the inhalation and exhalation, coordinating each movement with each breath. In this way, the body, mind and heart are yoked in a dynamic interplay of breath and movement, stillness and motion.
This is a very enjoyable and fluid way to practice yoga that is also gentle and adaptable to different students. Also practice yoga breathing and meditation.
Perfect for those who wish to explore an evolving yet mindfulness yoga practice. This is a mixed-level class that will be adjusted according to the student’s needs. Beginners welcome.

Vinyasa Morning Flow
Studio and Online
Kick off your awesome day with Yoga!
Morning yoga practice helps you feel fresh and happy for your day. This class is going to wake up and heat the entire body with short meditation and energizing vinyasa sequence.
It is suitable for all levels so you can do at your pace. Modified versions for everyone will always be given.

Vinyasa Power Flow
Studio and Online
This class is a powerful, energetic which fluidly move from one pose to the next while synchronizing breath with movement. It will build core strength, flexibility, and concentration and raise your energy levels.And also cleanse the body and calm the mind.
It is suitable for all levels so you can do at your pace. Modified versions for everyone will always be given.

Vinyasa Weekend Flow
Studio and Online
Refreshing and nourishing yourself with Yoga for your awesome weekend!!
This class is going to stretch out the whole body and heat the entire body with Vinyasa sequence which yoga postures (asanas) are linked together with flowing movements that are connected with the rhythm of the breath.
It is suitable for all levels so you can do at your pace. Modified versions for everyone will always be given.

Vinyasa & Restorative Yoga
Studio only
This class is good for refreshing, recovering and relaxing.
The first part is Vinyasa which yoga postures (asanas) are linked together with flowing movements that are connected with the rhythm of the breath. The second half is Restorative Yoga. Postures will be supported by props such as a bolster and blankets to allow for a deep release and nurturing experience. It promotes you drop into a deeply relaxing space by letting go of tension, help you regain the equilibrium of your body/mind and allow deep surrender and opening.
In this class, we focus on our “Body”, “Sensation” and “Mind”
Suitable for everyone.

30 Min Morning Simple Flow
Online only – live stream
Begin a new day and new opportunities! Morning yoga practice makes your day fresh and happy. In this class we are going to stretch out the whole body by means of a simple vinyasa sequence.

30 Min Good Night Yoga
Online only – live stream
Prepare you for a delicious sleep…
This class will help you wind down the body and mind after a long day and get ready for sleep. Gentle glow and some restorative postures invite calming the breath and relieving any stress or tension from the body and the mind.
Please prepare some blankets (or bath towels) and cushions.

Studio und Online – Deutschsprachig
Pilates ist einе Übungsmethode, die von Innen nach Außen arbeitet – von der Tiefenmuskulatur zur Bewegungsmuskulatur. Jede Pilates-Übung spricht sowohl die Beckenboden-, Bauch- und Rückenmuskulatur als auch die Atmung und Erhöhung der körperlichen Beweglichkeit an.
Pilates-Übungen fokussieren sich nicht auf die Quantität, sondern auf die Qualität und die Atmung wird mit den Bewegungen koordiniert. Bei regelmäßigem und korrektem Übung erfolgt Starkes Körperzentrum, straffe und schlanke Muskulatur, Haltungsverbesserung sowie verbessertes Körperbewusstsein.
Anfänger sowie Fortgeschrittene sind willkommen. Übungen werden mit verschiedenen Schwierigkeitsstufen unterrichtet, damit Studenten sich je nach Fähigkeitslevel anpassen können.

Yin Yoga
Studio und Online – Deutschsprachig
Yin Yoga ist ein sehr ruhiger, passiver Yogastil. Hierbei liegt der Fokus auf den tieferen Schichten des Körpers wie dem Bindegewebe, der Bänder und der Faszien. Wir verweilen in einer Position etwa 3 bis 5 Minuten, um eine sanfte und effektive Dehnung ohne Leistungsdruck zu erreichen.
Wichtig ist es auch, möglichst passiv zu bleiben. Auf diesem Wege schenkt uns Yin Yoga eine tiefe Ruhe, die innere Balance, die nötige Gelassenheit, eine einnehmende Leichtigkeit, positive Energie und das Gefühl vollkommen frei zu sein.
Im Yin Yoga wird für das Halten der Positionen gerne auf Yogahilfsmittel zurückgegriffen, beispielsweise auf Yoga Bolster, Decke oder Yoga Blöcke. Übungen werden hauptsächlich im Sitzen und Liegen ausgeführt.